The School Day
The school day:
The school day begins promptly at 9.00am and ends at 3.30pm, totalling 32.5 hours per week. Children are allowed into school from 8.50am. We are unable to take responsibility of your child before this time unless booked in advance into Before School Club which is available from 8am.
Morning registration takes place at 9.00am; arrival after this time will be classified as late.
Afternoon registration takes place at 1.15pm; arrival after this time will be classified as late.
The lunch break is from 12.10pm until 1.15pm.
After-school clubs run from 3.30pm - 4.30pm. Please click here for information about current clubs.
School meals need to be ordered and paid for in advance on the school Gateway App nine nights in advance. If you haven't booked a school meal for your child, please provide them with a packed lunch. Click here for more information about school meals.
Snack time is usually at 10.20am in Reception and Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and 2) and 10.30am in Key Stage 2 (Years 3 to 6). All children in Reception and Key Stage 1 classes are provided with a fruit or vegetable snack. You are welcome to send your child in Key Stage 2 (Years 3 to 6) in with a fresh fruit or vegetable snack.
Morning break is from 10.30am to 10.45am.
Water - All children need to bring in water bottles (clearly marked with your child's name) containing only water. These should be taken home on a Friday. Children are encouraged to drink water throughout the school day.
Going to the toilet - Children should ideally go to the toilet before school and during break times only. However, some children need to go more frequently and they are allowed to go during learning time. Children are discouraged from going to the toilet together.
All parents have a legal obligation to see that their children attend school. It is also important in the development of healthy attitudes towards school for children to know that their parents consider regular attendance to be of the utmost importance. Children whose parents allow them to have odd days off here and there for rather trivial reasons are going to grow up with the notion that education is of no real importance and that missing school doesn’t really matter.
Please telephone or email school by 9:00am on each day your child is absent due to illness. For unavoidable medical appointments such as hospital appointments, please let school have a copy of the appointment letter in advance, if there is no letter or card please complete an absence request form.
The school has a statutory duty to ensure that all absences are legitimate and justifiable and new laws require the number of authorised and unauthorised absences to be reported to parents individually, through each child’s Annual Progress Report, and corporately, in the School Profile and in the School Prospectus. Punctuality is also important. Children should arrive at school between 8.50am and 9.00am. The school is unable to provide supervision before 8.50am unless booked in advance into Before School Club.
Most children do, of course, arrive on time, but occasionally we have a problem of persistent lateness, and this is difficult for us to deal with – particularly when it is not always the child’s fault! The statutory requirement for registration means that any child that arrives after the registration period (9.00am to 9.05am and 1.15 pm to 1.20pm) should be marked L for late. If the child arrives after close of registration (9.15am and 1.15pm) then unless due to a medical appointment or other authorised circumstances they will be marked as an unauthorised absence. Any child arriving late at school should report to the school office to be signed in, this is to ensure that we have a record of attendance in case of fire.